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Musical Magic Cellist Hauser brings pure joy to millions

Posted by Caribbean World Magazine on 20 February 2024 | 0 Comments

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20 February 2024

The mission of 35-year-old Croatian-born cellist Stjepan Hauser over the past 2 years has been simple: to cheer up the world during the uncertainties of Covid-19 with music that is 100% pure joy. Hauser, who has toured the world during his 20 year career is unequivocal about the power of music and the euphoria it can bring. During quarantine, while unable to tour and connect with an audience, Hauser released three performances via live stream and brought musical 

pleasure to millions - just when they needed it most.  

First came Hauser: Alone Together, released in April 2020 was performed at the Arena Pula, in Stjepan's hometown of Pula, Croatia, on the Istrian peninsula. The second, also titled Hauser: Alone Together, was performed at Krka National Park, at the Krka Waterfalls in central Croatia and released in June 2020 to coincide with his birthday. The third, again titled Hauser: Alone Together, was recorded at Fort Lovrijenac in Dubrovnik. Delighted fans were also treated to a 2 disc edition of Hauser Classic in October 2020 with a DVD of the three Hauser: Alone Togethervideos included.  

His recipe for bringing joyous elation? Superb melodies that stirs the soul, make the heart sing and the body move! The Caribbean World team are huge fans of Labada with Hauser. If you’ve not heard it yet, indulge! It’s pure bliss and mixes the popular music of1980s Brazil with interminglesforró, salsa, merengue, maxixe, carimbó and Bolivian folk music with the cello of a magical maestro. Click here for Hauser’s You-Tubeclips!


