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Posted by Caribbean World Magazine on 25 November 2023 | 0 Comments

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25 November 2023

How marvellous is The One who created The Earth and Heavens! 

My thoughts exist because of the generosity and extravagance of YOUR love, my Lord. We  are each a bloom of light that remain in the understanding that it is the created to honour  THE CREATOR. With a pondering heart of love, we have been brilliantly made. With delight  and pride YOU have adorned all creatures great & small. Your longing eyes have pierced my  soul and I now ask that YOUR will be done to completely fulfil my purpose on earth. Oh matchless Father, even those in earth’s refined wisdom have witnessed that YOU have  fulfilled the purpose of all nature in excellence they learn from still.  

The beauty & functionality of male and female of every kind is most relevant of YOUR  generosity & love for each new offspring beating with hope to love and be loved, my Lord.  

Oh Lord, we look now, all together, steering into the deep blue! and with am intense breath of  wonder, we marvel, how YOU have governed the entire turning of the earth! You have taken  such care in the hanging of the sun so that it would warm us as it should. Then my Father,  without tire and all loving passions, you continue with more! governing the tides by the grace  of the moon. Each side of a star is the glory of space and the mystery of time.  After all these wonders, You Knew we would be we entertained with curiosity. We, explore,  having fun with science to imagine and more! You have given us not only gifts to  accommodate ourselves but a mind to develop our ideas for your enjoyment. How YOU have  entrusted ourselves with so much, MY LORD. And, we have in some cases, outdone ourselves  by emulating YOU in our natural characteristics as the likeness of YOUR HAND. But Lord, we  who are many neglect to allow the development of our souls. It seems we have  underwhelmed YOUR will in many circumstances. This is of course because we have been  busy developing our minds. Did we forget that we have been made a trinity as in the image of  YOU? I suppose it is because we have deafened our senses to hearing YOUR GUIDANCE.  Where is our hope my Lord? And indeed, my spirit has been heard. In the clarity of Your will,  all that seems hopeless and longer in its course, is at last in divine haste to comfort all. Our  hope is by the way of THE SECOND ADAM. You, My Lord, will save us from the destruction of  ourselves. Your enemy has been but one, and it is the spirit of hate, and the additional hate  that YOU are LOVE itself. From the beginning of your first creations long before ourselves or  the EARTH, YOU had created “one favoured to much”; giving this weakened ingrate, all gifts  above the others. It would then glear in the pools marvelling at its might and beauty. The  angelic creature became marked with an inner turbulence at chore. With admiration while  insecure, the angelic power grew with such envy, it was twisted to deceive its own self, and  with it, a third of its lesser kind. In the destruction of its peace, it was removed from the glory 

of The Sovereign Lord GOD, ELOHIM. All that was given to this Angelic creature was received  without care, love or respect for THE ONE WHO GIFTED ALL THAT WAS GOOD to it. Oh Father? I say, as i once sat nearby the Angelic Beast, YOU walked with me through the  garden, holding my hand. You asked me, allowedly to sit beside it, You stood in front of me,  watching over me, then I began to interview The Angelic Beast. Father? Was i then in vision  just to see ahead of this time, Lord? To state that all that is of the beast is ungratefulness,  twisted vanity, false pride, a loss of true self, hatred of love true of YOU and the illusion of  sufficiency that is independent of YOU??? Your heart breaks still, as many have also been  deceived in not giving YOU the praise, the honour, the gratitude and most importantly, the  love??? No wonder we need Your protection from the one is most decieved of all with and by  a resentful hate at chore. This is what contaminated generations on earth and sprung up  wars without reason. And in some many ways has decieved even those of religion itself. For  we were always in need of the second Adam, THE SON OF GOD, YOU, my LORD. For on the  first day of earth’s full competition of all things of the earth, there was the first adam. But the  first Adam was made for YOU to bring him into the day of the curious, bewildering beauty  called Eve. But there already was a much thought for the lifetime of mankind, YOUR created  children free of choice as little gods to rule the earth with care and love as YOU meticulously  prepared all for the joy as a father to his children. And with timing You knew that we would  call upon YOU as Our Father.  

Teach us Your way, for we have failed to understand all the lessons that have even been  before our time now. How could we ignore Your glory? Who can say to the wind stop and its  ear obeys but only to Yourself, The part of You called SON OF GOD. Oh behold here is the  opportunity to reach the highest level of love and unite with THE CREATOR. Your technology  is far beyond the intellect of man and yet You birth modern man with an imagination that can  fathom to begin believing. Your able to speak without words and love and reprimand fiercest  by the sound of silence. Yet again You deliver without hesitation the connection between  ourselves and YOURSELF, through Your Holy Spirit. With this inward intimate divinity, we may  thrive and be empowered to accomplish more than without. The device of connecting  ourselves with YOU, to the highest frequency of intellect is part of ourselves as we will to  know YOU, our Matchless FATHER. And in proof we experience Your thoughts which cancels  all wrong by contradicting much of the world’s ways, we yearn for more of this same sensible  peace. To embark into our rightful relation with YOU, we often as children demand and ask  for Your attention. And, Lord! YOU, in your boundless love, just so, it is given. It is in this act  of faith we continue to walk beside YOU, as it was meant, in the beginning, remember my  Lord? So, YOUR faithfulness to those who choose to believe and love YOU is everlasting.


