Use our handy guide to get jobs done - there is plenty to do while you wait for the keys to your Caribbean home.
✓Book an international removal firm to ship personnel effects over to the Caribbean
✓ Declutter and host a yard / car boot sale or donate items you don’t plan to keep.
✓ If you are renting out your UK / US home, appoint a managing agent
✓ If you are selling your UK / US home, engage a sales agent
✓ Create a Moving File to store all receipts, freight invoices and insurance paperwork
✓ Prepare an inventory of everything your new house will need, room by room
✓ Start a file of recommended tradesmen and create a list of jobs you will need doing
✓ Create a Mood Board of decor, furnishing and colour ideas for interior design projects
✓ Make travel arrangements for everyone making the move, including pets
✓ Change your Will with the solicitor to include the new property
✓ Set up an alert with a reputable currency exchange specialist to monitor the rate
✓ Seek confirmation from your doctor of any medication you take by its generic name.
✓ Cancel memberships and subscriptions
✓ Make gifts of all live plants that you cannot transport yourself.
✓ Donate unopened food cupboard items to the local Food Bank.
✓ Ask for copies of children’s school records
✓ Request records of your pets’ health from the vet
✓ Request copies of all documents you need to take with you.
✓ Draft moving notices for colleagues, friends, neighbours and family
✓ Plan a leaving party!
✓ Plan a house warming party!